Angry Badger – Re-recorded, remastered and re-released.
You can stream the new version of the E.P on most popular streaming platforms.
Last year, on the 10th 'anniversary' (I think I was the only one that remembered / gave any thought to it) of the "Attack of the 50ft Badger" E.P I released a new version of the E.P, including new drums, re-recorded guitar and bass lines.
The original E.P was recorded in 2009 in a local village hall and the spare bedroom of the Maisonette I was living in at the time. Myself and Jon recorded the live guitar and drum tracks in the village hall (7 piece drum mic set, SM57 against the Marshall TSL I had at the time). The bass and vocals were then recorded in the spare room. A vocal booth / cupboard and Sansamp'd bass.
I had no idea what I was doing a...