

UK EV Cost to charge calculator

UK EV Cost to charge calculator

Find out how much it costs to charge your EV at home with the UK's most 'EV Friendly' energy suppliers with the simple calculator below. The calculator also allows for a custom tariff and calculates home use. Standing charges are factored into the calculation. [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_VAR name="OctGoHours" value="4"] [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_VAR name="OctGoSpecial" value="0.05"] [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_VAR name="OctGoStandard" value="0.1596"] [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_VAR name="OctGoSC" value="0.25"] [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_VAR name="OctGoFasterHours" value="5"] [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_VAR name="OctGoFasterSpecial" value="0.055"] [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_VAR name="OctGoFasterStandard" value="0.1596"] [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_VAR name="OctGoFasterSC" value="0.25"] [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_VAR name="B...

How to install Homebridge on a Raspberry Pi with no monitor

If you're an Apple user and you've started getting into home automation, or just getting more smart home tech, then Homebridge is worth considering, it offers you the ability to run a lot of non Homekit supported devices natively within Apple Home. It's reasonably simple to do too, this guide talks through what you'll need and how to set everything up without having to plug your Raspberry Pi into a monitor. What you will need Raspberry Pi 3 B+, Pi 4 (2gb) or Pi 4 (4gb - currently on offer on Amazon - £52) Raspberry Pi power cable (for v3 for v4)Micro SD card (32gb, 64gb, 128gb)Case (for v3 for v4) - I've recommended a heatsink case, it's what I'm using for my Homebridge Pi too, rather than a noisy fan case - My Pi 4 seems to sit between 40-41cRelevant adaptor to access your mic...
Reducing wind noise on a Tesla Model 3

Reducing wind noise on a Tesla Model 3

Thanks for visiting this page - I've now moved the majority of my Tesla content (with a lot more to follow) to a new site: TeslaEV.co.uk The direct link for this guide is: https://www.teslaev.co.uk/how-to-reduce-wind-noise-in-your-tesla-model-3/
Angry Badger – Re-recorded, remastered and re-released.

Angry Badger – Re-recorded, remastered and re-released.

https://open.spotify.com/album/49gpcLcLhUoxPkWUafdeBa You can stream the new version of the E.P on most popular streaming platforms. Last year, on the 10th 'anniversary' (I think I was the only one that remembered / gave any thought to it) of the "Attack of the 50ft Badger" E.P I released a new version of the E.P, including new drums, re-recorded guitar and bass lines. The original E.P was recorded in 2009 in a local village hall and the spare bedroom of the Maisonette I was living in at the time. Myself and Jon recorded the live guitar and drum tracks in the village hall (7 piece drum mic set, SM57 against the Marshall TSL I had at the time). The bass and vocals were then recorded in the spare room. A vocal booth / cupboard and Sansamp'd bass. I had no idea what I was doing a...
How much does it cost to charge your Tesla?

How much does it cost to charge your Tesla?

Thanks for visiting this page - I've now moved the majority of my Tesla content (with a lot more to follow) to a new site: TeslaEV.co.uk The direct link for this guide is: Tesla Cost to charge calculator