
Angry Badger – Re-recorded, remastered and re-released.

You can stream the new version of the E.P on most popular streaming platforms.

Last year, on the 10th ‘anniversary’ (I think I was the only one that remembered / gave any thought to it) of the “Attack of the 50ft Badger” E.P I released a new version of the E.P, including new drums, re-recorded guitar and bass lines.

The original E.P was recorded in 2009 in a local village hall and the spare bedroom of the Maisonette I was living in at the time. Myself and Jon recorded the live guitar and drum tracks in the village hall (7 piece drum mic set, SM57 against the Marshall TSL I had at the time). The bass and vocals were then recorded in the spare room. A vocal booth / cupboard and Sansamp’d bass.

I had no idea what I was doing at the time, all the gear and no idea! Was never really that happy with it (recording, no the songs), but was good to get something out at the time.

Fast forward 10 years, I’d sold and re-bought various items of recording gear, but more importantly moved completely digital for guitar (Kemper) and treated myself to Superior Drummer 3 (having really enjoyed using EZ Drummer).

The drum tracking and quality of the drum samples in Superior Drummer 3 are incredible. The drum tracking for bass drum, snare and floor toms, was near enough spot on, some minor corrections and it was perfect.

Jon’s playing was fantastic on the recordings, the recording itself had always let the sound down. I couldn’t do the same for the cymbals as I hadn’t tracked them separately, fortunately after some YouTube / Google researched I managed to EQ them to sound good too :).

I re-recorded all the guitar tracks using my Kemper and SPDIF. Whilst at it, I fixed up things like the solo in BOTB which I’ve mentioned on here before that I was never happy with (sorry Phil!).

I got in touch with Rob and he agreed to re-record the bass lines for two of the tracks too. Rob is such a good bass player, I couldn’t work out what he’d played so couldn’t do it myself, other than on Iron Clad.

I did a lot more learning about compression and EQ and improved all the recorded material, re-mixed and mastered using online tooling.

In August 2019 I then released the tracks via DistroKid to Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon etc.. the original CD was ‘released’ (given to friends) in August 2009.

I’m very happy with how it came out, also feels good to drawer a line under the recordings, getting them to a standard I am happy with.

Links to stream / purchase

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/49gpcLcLhUoxPkWUafdeBa
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/attack-of-the-50ft-badger-ep
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07W93K4W3/
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Angry_Badger_Attack_of_the_50ft_Badger
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/album/106692972
Tidal: http://www.tidal.com/album/115061917
Napster: https://us.napster.com/artist/angry-badger/album/attack-of-the-50ft-badger